Saturday, September 16, 2006

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad - Pucuk dicita, Ulam mendatang

Keputusan UMNO Kubang Pasu untuk menolok Dr Mahathir Mohamed sebagai wakil ke Perhimpunan Agung UMNO telah menerima berbagai reaksi dari semua peringkat. Dari media arus Perdana , media internet dan perbualan di kedai - kedai kopi topik Mahathir tewas di Kubang Pasu menjadi topik utama yang diperbincangkan. Jika dilihat kenyataan mereka, sudah pasti berbeza.Ada yang simpati terhadap Dr Mahathir kerana beliau adalah seorang pemimpin, negarawan yang telah banyak berjasa. Ada pula yang menggunakan hujah beliau sebagai negarawan itu sebagai sebab mengapa beliau perlu dikalahkan.

Bagi seorang Perdana Menteri yang dikritik hebat oleh Dr Mahathir Mohamed, berita kekalahan Mahathir sudah tentu satu berita yang menggembirakan dan itu ibarat satu hadiah kepada Pak Lah oleh pembantu-pembantu politiknya terutama sekali dari Setiausaha Agung UMNO. Beliau yang mengaku hadir hanya untuk melihat itik dan ayam di Kubang Pasu yang kini diberi makan gandum atau dedak, kerana sebelum ini hanya dijamu dengan lebihan sisa makanan sahaja.... Seperti mana yang pernah dikatakan, yang khianat lebih derita daripada yang kena khianat begitulah keadaan pemimpin UMNO, bila cuba untuk menafikan berlakunya politik wang dan bermacam-macam bentuk helah untuk mengalahkan Dr Mahathir Mohamad termasuk ugutan dan perjumpaan - perjumpaan tertutup.

Justifikasi mudah mereka untuk menjawab tuduhan perbuatan helah dan berlakunya politik wang untuk menewaskan Mahathir, adalah dengan meminta Mahathir untuk membuat laporan kepada Lembaga Disiplin. Laporan juga menurut kepimpinan tertinggi parti akan diminta dari Menteri Besar dan Ketua Bahagian mengenai dakwaan yang dikatakan serius di buat oleh bekas Perdana Menteri tersebut.
Sepatutnya Presiden parti yang hendak melihat partinya bersih dari sebarang tuduhan, mengarahkan satu Jawatankuasa Khas peringkat Majlis Tertinggi untuk membuat siasatan, seperti mana kegilaan beliau sewaktu mula menjadi Perdana Menteri dahulu untuk menubuhkan Suruhanjaya bagi satu-satu isu dan insiden.
Soalnya sekarang kenapa dalam keadaan gembira ada kegelisahan di kalangan pemimpin UMNO bila Dr Mahathir Mohamad dikalahkan. Mereka kemungkinan tidak tahu Dr Mahathir Mohamad ada membuat kenyataan akbarnya pada hari Isnin 11hb September 2006 yang mana selepas itu beliau berlepas ke luar negeri.

Dalam agama Islam, hari Isnin ada kebesarannya tersendiri. Antaranya seperti sabda Rasullullah SAW : Hari Isnin adalah hari pelayaran dan perniagaan, dan bila ditanya lagi maka baginda menjawab "kerana Nabi Syait AS telah belayar pada hari Isnin untuk berniaga dan beliau mendapat keuntungan yang banyak dalam perniagaannya itu".

Dr Mahathir Mohamad dikalah pada hari Sabtu dan pada hari Sabtu jugalah , sabda Nabi Muhamad SAW "bangsa Quraisy telah melakukan tipu daya di Darunnadwah". Maka jika Dr Mahathir Mohamed menyedari perkara ini, beliau tidak perlu gundah gelana. Hari Isnin, hari yang beliau memberi kenyataan akhbar itu telah membantu kekuatannya.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad terlalu ceria pada hari itu, seolah - olah ketewasannya sebagai satu kemenangan kepadanya. Setelah difikirkan baharulah disedari bahawa Dr Mahathir Mohamad sebenarnya memang hendak keputusan "kalah" dalam pemilihan itu. Beliau telah berjaya memancing musuh politiknya dengan memakan umpan yang dipakainya. Setelah sekian lama beliau dituduh "tidak jantan" dan juga tidak menggunakan saluran parti sewajarnya, beliau memancing untuk bertanding sebagai perwakilan ke Persidangan UMNO. Dan bila Dr Mahathir Mohamed dikalahkan dengan berbagai cara, ini hanya membuktikan kenyataan bahawa UMNO tidak membenarkan dia bercakap termasuk mengikut saluran yang betul.

Sebenarnya inilah satu kesilapan besar yang dilakukan oleh "Think Tank" kepada Presiden Parti UMNO bila mereka berusaha untuk menghalang kemenangan Dr Mahathir Mohamad. "Think Tank" yang ada ini boleh dianggap sebagai Kumpulan Pemikir Kereta Kebal kerana tindakan main langgar mereka berpaksikan "asal "boss okay atau senang". Think Tank sebegini hanya sesuai dipanggil "Ting Tong".

Sebenarnya kekalahan beliau sekiranya diteliti seakan diminta dan dipancing oleh Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Sekiranya beliau menang atau dimenangkan, ini bererti mulutnya akan tertutup untuk beberapa bulan kehadapan ini. Ini adalah kerana orang-orang UMNO telah memberi beliau ruang untuk menjadi perwakilan ke Perhimpunan UMNO Malaysia untuk bercakap dan bersuara dan sekiranya beliau masih lagi membebel, beliau akan dikira seperti orang sasau atau peringkat paranoid yang parah.
Mungkin orang berkata, jika dia sudah jadi perwakilan sudah tentu beliau akan diminta bercakap dalam Perhimpunan Agung UMNO dan ini akan menyulitkan Presiden UMNO dan ahli-ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO untuk membuat keputusan. Sebenarnya kalau tidak ada pemikiran kereta kebal (think tank) "asal boss senang", Dr Mahathir Mohamed akan diberi berucap secara rasmi sebagai bekas Presiden dan Perdana Menteri atau juga Negarawan yang dihormati yang berjasa di Majlis Taklimat Presiden yang sudah menjadi tradisi Pre Council sebelum Perhimpunan Agung UMNO.

Bayangkanlah sekiranya Abdullah Badawi memberi ucapan yang memuji-muji akan Dr Mahathir Mohamad sebagai orang yang membuktikan bahawa slogan "Kepemimpinan Melalui Tauladan" diterapkan selepas bersara. Dahulu beliau berada diatas, sekarang dia berada di bawah sebagai sokongan kepada apa yang dikatakan oleh Muhammad Taib, Ketua Penerangan UMNO. "dahulu saya imam dan sekarang jadi makmun". Ini akan membuktikan kehebatan Mahathir sebagai penyokong UMNO walau dimana sahaja tempat duduk yang diberikan kepada beliau.

Kita seharusnya menoleh kebelakang untuk melihat ratusan kalau tidak ribuan pemimpin UMNO yang mendapat tempat dan kedudukan dalam UMNO tetapi setelah bersara dari jawatan termasuk Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Menteri, Menteri Besar berapa kerat antara mereka sanggup untuk hadir sebagai perwakilan biasa? Jawab nahil. Oleh itu Dr Mahathir Mohamad akan membuat anjakan paradigma ke arah pemimpin UMNO di masa depan. Kalau seorang bekas Perdana Menteri boleh turun ke bawah menjadi Perwakilan biasa, apa kelasnya yang bertaraf Menteri dan Menteri Besar yang hilang begitu sahaja. Sekarang Dr Mahathir Mohamad telah membuktikan bahawa dia sanggup tunduk dengan kehendak orang UMNO supaya menggunakan saluran betul tetapi beliau ditolak. Maka untuk memberi pandangan demi kebaikan parti dan negara, beliau akan terus bersuara. Maka teruslah Dr Mahathir Mohamad dengan caranya. Nampak betul tindakan beliau meletakan jawatan kerana beliau kemungkinan sudah dapat melihat apa yang sebenarnya yang beliau dapat waktu hidup sebagai balasan sumbangannya kepada negara. Yang jelas ada kepuasan dalam perjuangannya.

Beliau mungkin tidak akan ditipu seperti kematian Allahyarham Abd Ghafar Baba, dengan tiba-tiba Allahyarham disanjung dengan ribuan pujian tetapi waktu hayatnya beliau hanya sekadar sampah ditepi jalan pada pandangan pemimpin UMNO.

Sang Kelembai: Dalam al Quran surah Maryam 56-57 menceritakan Nabi Idris as naik kelangit pada hari Isnin dan dapat melihat neraka dan syurga dan dikekalkan Allah akan dia disyurga. Beruntunglah orang bernama Mahathir Mohamad kerana telah mengetahui segalanya sebelum kematiannya. Dan barang siapa yang memuji selepas kematiannya.. boleh kah dikatakan seorang seperti itu adalah munafik? jawablah sendiri


Anonymous said...

Tahniah pak prof, analisa terbaik pernah saya baca dari tulisan sinis bersahaja prof. ingin saya tumpang semangkok ttg grup yg prof namakan 'Ting Tong' saya nak tambah 'Ting Tong Kosong'. grup ni memang banyak dalam bahagian umno.

matlamat utama grup ini sokong babi buta untuk dapat habuan, perkhidmatan kpd parti dan masyarakat dan sebagainya hanya retorik saja. lain perkataan khidmat bibir sahaja.

tak ubah macam tulisan prof mereka ni bagaikan itek, ayam, kambing pak syeikhradzi yg hanya terima pellet, dedak & gandum impot sahaja sbg makanan diet utama, air minum mesti jenis r.o. impot mai.

macam di satu bahagian umno kuala lumpur la ni, perang bangat sdg berlaku. apa boss depa kata semua orang bawah mesti kata okay boss. tak kata okay nanti kena boo, kena pooh pooh pulak, kena sekat kemudahan, miss peluang & habuan. kunun bahagian ikutan, perang peribadi pun kena istihar satu malaya, tenggelam bahagian kubang pasu. ada agenda2 lain kot.

prof saya pernah baca buku bak rasuah tulis seorang prof universiti malaya. katanya senang nak tuduh tapi nak buktikan ada sikit payah la. ia ibarat rainbow nampak ada nak gapai enggak bisa.

dalam hal rasuah politik, TDM nak buktikan ianya tetap ada walaupun salah satu agenda utama Paklah ialah utk membasmi rasuah bermula dari parti. budaya duit kopi payah nak kikis masih menebal di kalangan orang melayu. macam teori asas ekonomi, ada permintaan ada tawaran.

Anonymous said...

Mereka yang menjadi penasihat dan pergerakan agenda politik PM YDP Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi terdiri dari mereka yang tergolong sebagai Celebritum De Mediocritis. Maka kebolehan, kemampuan pandangan dan perancangan strategik mereka amat terbatas. Tindakan dan amalan bersifat taktik jangka pendek ini akan suatu hati terkumpul (accumulate) dan snowball kepada sesuatu yang amat besar.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang bangkit bersuara HANYA selepas 2 tahun persaraan, mula mula memberikan teguran dan kemudian menjadi kritikan. Usaha ini dihalang kerana mereka yang berkuasa merasakan amat tercabar kewibawaan pentadbiran mereka mengurus dan membangunkan Negara dipersoalkan.

Dewasa ini, media perdana seperti NST, Berita Harian, Utusan Malaysia, the Star, RTM dan TV 3, kerap memutar belitkan cerita dan berita, tidak mengambarkan hal sebenar.

Yang NYATANYA, rata rata rakyat Malaysia merasakan kesempitan hidup makin mengekang walaupun harga kommoditi sedang melambung dan Kerajaan selalu memberikan angka angka mengambarkan ekonomi sebenarnya sedang berkembang.

Yang amat menyedihkan, proses dan apabila keadaan ini berlaku, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad akan DIPERSALAHKAN sebagai pengerak usaha menghancurkan UMNO dan memporaak perandakan Bangsa Melayu!

Mungkin pengalaman dan kebijaksaan Tun Dr Mahathir selama 30 tahun (semenjak 1976) menjadi pengerak utama mentadbir dan mengurus Malaysia TIADA BOLEH disandarkan lagi dan perlu dikekang dengan apacara sekalipun dan nasihat dan perencanaan sekumpulan anak muda tiga puluhan tahun yang TANPA sebarang pengalaman mentadbir diTingkat 4 ini adalah opsyen pilihan yang terbaik untuk pentadbiran PM YDP Abdullah, untuk Malaysia.

Kita sama sama lihat............................

Anonymous said...

Seperti yang saya kata dalam comment terdahulu nampaknya Allah telah mengkabulkan doa Pak Syekh Anwar supaya umur Tun mahathir di panjangkan.Tujuannya untuk melihat kifarah keatas Tun sekiranya berlaku.

Betul,telah berlaku beberapa kiFArah ke atas Tun seperti yang kita saksikan sekarang ini dalam kemelut umno Kubang pasu.Maka ketawalah berdekah dekah mereka mereka yang sangat berhajat nak tengok Tun Mahathir di aibkan.

Dalam asyik ketawa itu mereka lupa terutama sekali mereka yang masih dalam umno yang panjangnya hayat Tun ini ada baiknya iaitu Allah juga beri peluang kepada Tun melihat sendiri agaknya di penghujong umornya siapa betul betul KAWAN dan siapa LAWAN.

Yang si kawan ini senyum gembira sebab tak membuat apa apa dosa dengan Tun manakala yang si lawan(munafik) ini tentu malu sendiri terhegeh hegeh apabila terserempak dengan Tun.Kalau di takdirkan terserempak dan kalau lah Tun itu saorang yang zalim sudah tentu dia mengatakan dahulu selalu cium tangan aku sekarang jadi gedeber di belakang aku.Sungguh melayu mudah lupa.

Tetapi saya rasa buat apa Tun nak jadi zalim pada sahabat sahabat sebab Allah yang MAHA pembalas ada, sudah tentu Tun akan serah saja padanya.

Anonymous said...

kita sama2 tunggu November nie...bagi saya yg pasti...ledakan akan berlaku...tak kira lah pada sesiapa pun...baik TDM maupun AAB berserta dgn kuncu2 nya...

apa2 pun...ucapan selamat kepada AAB dan KJ berserta kuncu2 nya yg telah berjaya menjahanamkan negara Malaysia yg tercinta...

rata2...rakyat dibawah jagaan mu sedah amat2 muak dgn dakyah mengarut darimu AAB...cakap tak serupa bikin...

inilah...cemerlang, terbilang, temberang yg diberikan kepada rakyat setelah anda menjadi PM...

selamat mengundurkan diri...AAB...rakyat benci kamu...

Anonymous said...

Tun M....inilah balasan yang kamu dapat....UMNO yang wujud skrg adalah acuan Tun M...skrg dah terjadi kpd diri sendiri....biar dia rasa apa yang berlaku kpd Anwar sebelum ini....Biar dia rasa bagaimana pihak pembangkang rasa... Umur Tun M yang pjg hanya sebagai petunjuk dari ALLAH utk memperlihatkan kpd rakyat keaiban yang bakal Tun M lalui akibat dari perbuatan lampaunya hahahaha....Tun M skrg tak ubah mcm org nyanyuk yg menyalak bukit....sepatutnya umur mcm Tun M tak payah la nak pening kepala fikir pasal masalah negara......lebih elok guna duit dia yang byk hasil jadi PM dulu menyumbang atau buat amal jariah sebagai bekalan bila mati...inilah balasan Allah...what's goes around comes around...Padan muka ko Tun.....Paklah dan KJ baik lah korang juga cepat2 insaf supaya mengutamakan kepentingan rakyat skrg...rakyat dah cukup menderita skrg....ingat lah bahawa pilihanraya 2008 pasti akan ada kejutan jika Paklah dan KJ masih lesu dalam pentadbirannya...insyaallah.....

Anonymous said...

Mula-mula sekali salam pada pujangga yang menulis dengan perumpamaan, cerita dan puitis. Bab sastera memang ko terrer. tapi pengisiannnya ko lemah dan lembab. cerita tau pendapat ko kosong. tidak ada ummph sampai aku carik mesej ko hanya 2 3 ja. jadi semuanya 5. kurangkan lah madah kembali kepada asas dan sejarah barulah ko sedar ko tulis untuk siapa? terima kasih kerana beri aku komen.

Anonymous said...

teruskan menulis sang kelembai, rakyat berhak mengetahui apa tersirat dan tersurat.

Anonymous said...

Salam untuk semua! Wahai pemberi komen no 7 jika anda terlalu bagus,sila siarkan alamat web blog anda,nak baca juga bagaimana pengisian penulisan anda,samada bernas atau tidak.Jangan pandai kutuk saja.Pada pendapat sy,cara penulisan dan penyampaian sangkelembai tiada cacat celanya.Teruskan gaya penulisanmu wahai sang kelembai.ianya menarik dan pendapatmu sungguh bernas!

Anonymous said...

Even in developed economy like Britain, financial support of similar concept is available in UK based on need.

Remember, millions if not billions of ringgits had already been spent to uplift the status of malays via education. What have we achieved so far?

Sorry for such a pessimistic view. After all, if our Malaysia leaders are into corruptions without checks and balances, what hope is there for the betterment of the society at large!

Basically, we need to reform our political system especially Umno and if that can be done, hopefully everything will fall into place.

We may have the noblest of aims but along the way some smart apes from the ruling party or the education minister himself would make a mess of the programme making aids a convenient political tool.

Political gerrymandering has been perfected to an art by the ruling elite. So, what are we left with? Crump.

A good example is the recent case involving Ong Tee Keat the deputy higher education minister. He pointed out a wrongdoing whereby a Chinese school got billed of RM30000 for a RM3000 job and a badly done one at that.

Instead of kudos he was reprimanded by no less than the deputy prime minister and the education minister. Very obviously the action by these Umno-malays are seen to be condoning wrongdoings and protecting wrongdoers who could have come from their party.

If our leaders have such a mindset I doubt very much the type of investments in human capital schemes proposed will ever succeed.

In this country, as far as the ruling elite is concerned, the interest of their party and members come first followed by the bumi dichotomy, religion and race. The rest of the people can leave the country if they don't like it here.

That is the very reason why we must have laws to protect whistleblowers. But when the blowing is done on Umno-malays and their cronies how on earth will such laws be enacted!

You get to see the same faces on national TV, always smiling and always saying this and that, as if we are all idiots. Don't they have a conscience?

Will this charade ever end? Search me. Maybe God is being too nice.

And that is also the very reason we must support Mahathir, not so much for he himself, but for his crusades. It seems that he is the only one person in Malaysia for the time being that can inflict some damages to the smiling faces on national TV.

But it will be a great mistake if they are celebrating now. Knowing Mahathir he will not let them go that easily. War has been declared and this is only the beginning!

Anonymous said...

You see my friends - in the pursuit of the malay agenda (might I add - blind, overzealous and racist pursuit), they are now paying the most costly price of all - a terribly poor command of the English language!

All the bluffing and lies on the bullshit meritocracy has failed them - actually a slap in their face! Serves them right!

No else has lost out like the so called son of the soil - wonder no more as to why there are about 60000 graduates (cannot use ones) are jobless! You reap what you sow!

Dr Mahathir - It is a joke that through your old age recognized the education system in Malaysia does not work. It was you that one of the formulators of the system.

Your education system threw out hardworking, honesty and all the merits of a good education system.

You instead taught malays to be:

Dishonest (steal from the people)
Lazy - your NEP
Steal from the Chinese
Threat the Indians bad even though you were half breed yourself
and worst of all taught everyone in Malaysia to be
Crooked like you.

So now you are feeling the heat because your educational boys are not able to survive in this competitive world.

Your fight with the Badawi and his Oxford scumbags thieves, will take this nation to ruins. 22 years of education ruin by this old Dr Mahathir and his cronies.

Why Dr Mahathir said it now? What did he do in the last 22 years? Maybe he should be a prime minister now at the age of 80 as he is wiser now. Should not be a prime minister 22 years ago or maybe after 22 years he was in office (as an apprentice), then he is really ready to work in a real world……….

Malaysia new dilemma - Some 60000 unemployed graduates, mostly malays have to be retrained; capable non-malays lost to Singapore.

In Singapore there are lots of ex-Malaysians or Malaysians. I just visited one of my primary schoolmates (first met 40 years ago).

He rounded up some chaps, and when they told me one by one that they have converted their passports (even those diehard, hardcore Malaysians who vow not to surrender their Malaysian passports), I felt a huge sense of loss, indescribable.

I have to accept the fact that this is the real world. Some of them are CEOs of multinationals, directors, pilots, principals of schools, professors etc.

The only one who came back to Malaysia married a Malaysian wife. Like other diaspora, they scatter and put down roots where there is nourishment and they grow there. Best wishes to our fellow Malaysians.

Anonymous said...

Lee Kuan Yew is a highly respected statesman throughout the world. Bapa corruption Mahathir, well he is been deemed a pariah by his own malay community.

The people who suffer most in this country due to this racist Umno strategy unfortunately are the ordinary malays.

The people who benefit the most are the Umno-malays, BN-goons and of course the handful of crooked non-malay businessmen, who are in cahoots with these politicians to rape the country.

It makes me sad that the malays do not realise the truth about how they are being misguided by the Umno-malays.

Saying Singapore is easy to govern because it is a small country is such a stupid argument. Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Johor Baru are all much much smaller than Singapore but how do we match them in terms of development?

My advice is that we listen to this Lee great statesman and try to learn from him instead of going into a state of denial.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese are not in control of the economy at all. Consider this:

Tenaga, Telekom, Proton, Petronas, Maybank, Genting accounts for more than 50% of the market capitalization of KLSE.

So basically malays already control more than 50% of the economy.

But problem is, only a few malays enjoy ownership of the economy and businesses while the rest are bleed dry. These people are millionaires and billionaires man. That is where the lies about the Chinese controlling the economy comes in, to keep themselves in that position.

So the ordinary malays are angry because they feel the Chinese stole their money. The Chinese and Indians and others are angry because they feel they are further discriminated on top of discrimination.

Non-malays on the other hand owned only 10% of such equity.

People like the Robert Kuok group were so pissed that the government pressure them to sell their business, they shifted their headquarter to Hong Kong. But when we want the world to see that one of the richest tycoons is from Malaysia, when we want fame, we said Robert Kuok is from Malaysia, not knowing that he has long gone.

What minister mentor Lee Kuan Yew has said is absolutely true. It is a simple fact. The Chinese and Indians have been marginalised since 1957, so what is new?

While the Chinese have been economically strong, the Indians have been lagging behind, simply by being a minority race in Malaysia and by being led by a complete moron for the last three decades. What is Najib so upset about?

Prove your worth as a race that can stand on theirs own two feet and succeed and you will have our respect. Until then, please just stop making a complete idiot of yourself and shut your gap.

This goes for the entire Malaysia cabinet. You are all a disgrace and a bunch of corrupt hypocrates! Malaysia would have been much better off if it had remained a British colony. Only then would there have been equality.

The malays are fall into the trap of other Umno-malays should treat like shits in Malaysia. When we demand over basic right, they always like to quote Singapore malays on not holding public position……….Please la, Singapore practise the real meritocracy, not the fake one like Malaysia.

Do Singapore systematically marginalised the malays there, the answer is definitely no, do Singapore practise discrimination on education or limited their entry to university, do Singapore limited the critical field business license to the malays, do Singapore force the Singapore malays sold off their business to the Singapore Chinese, the answer is again a big NO.

And this make Singapore malays stand high when compare to Malaysia malays.

What make the Malaysian Chinese not happy is, we already being discriminated by our home country, when anything go wrong in Umno or in malay community, the Malaysian Chinese will be the target - for shooting or divert the attention to their own problems.

Have you wondered why there are fewer Indians than malays in the general population in Singapore, that there are many more Indians than malays in high positions in politics, medicine, law, business, and many other fields that require talent and hard work in Singapore!

In Malaysia, there are tongkat or crutches available, but in meritocratic Singapore, even the smaller minority Indians outperform the bigger minority malays.

To Chinese, education is the most important thing to their next generation, so don't ask me why Chinese insist to have own stream of education until today.

To tell you frankly, I feel much comfortable when I move to UK, after few years I know they will offer me citizenship being a professional here. And as far as I know, there isn't a classification on the citizenship, I will get equal treatment as others fairly.

Anonymous said...

Hisham statement to back up Khairy on his racial statement is truly pathetic and stupid. Hisham is a proven idiot by backing Khairy racial statement. He should have never back any racial statement period. We are a multiracial country. Not just malay and malay only.

One is an arrogant donkey, one is a stupid idiot - both together you get a bleak future of the country. He thinks he is Robin Hood for the poor - what a freaking joke.

The answer - please not only you are a pathetic idiot - your chances of being prime minister is as close as it to finding a flying donkey on top of the Twin Towers.

Badawi is truly a pariah and may I add the most bastard person I have ever known on this nation. How can he allow his son-in-law says anything like this! He is the prime minister for God sake. Khairy statement not only hurt the Chinese or Indians but also malays.

As I would like to remind all the arrogant malays who think this is their country and their land alone.

In history book clearly says that the Kesultanan Melayu started in Malacca when a Hindu prince named Parameswara run away from Majapahit (Indonesia) due to power struggle with his brother. He then converted to Islam by Arab merchants and is called Sultan Muzaffar Shah.

So tell me where does it justify that Malaysia belongs to malays only? We are all Malaysians! Chinese, Iban, Indian, Kadazan, Malay, or any other races. This is our country.

Our education minister is more suitable as a "zookeeper" - teaching the animals, monkeys especially, how to do monkey tricks. How you expect human beings to respect you? All you know is aping others, sending your own daughter to study overseas and threatening peoples with an ancient weapon!

Anonymous said...

Umno said: We are the master.

Yes - you are the master for -

1. Being Lazy lots
2. Corruption
3. Drug addictions
4. Gangsterism
5. Half past six mentality
6. Hypocrites
7. Lying
8. Making a lot of wives
9. Racism
10. Ungrateful

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Believe me if the corruption culprit is from Umno, nothing would happen to him. If the minister asked the custom department to close-one-eye, Umno will close both eyes.

Every thinking Malaysian will know that nothing will happen to any Umno-man for crimes committed. They have special protection. Lodge all the complaints you want and ACA will close both eyes.

Will there be an investigation into this apparent abuse of power, i.e. corruption? Of course not, since he is malay!

All this is just a joke! Double standards, hypocrisies, prejudices, religious propagandas (Islam), has always been the malay interpretation of the 'democratic process' in Malaysia.

This idiot of a minister should have been sacked on the spot and subjected to an investigation by the ACA.

Where is this lame and useless prime minister? Why has he not spoken a word? That is because he is probably eaten a slice of the pie himself! Bloody nonsense!

Anonymous said...

At least Khairy has something in common - selective memory. As far as I remember, when Umno deregistered, MCA was there to help.

Even for Mahathir, he acknowledged and was grateful with MCA on the spirit of BN, which is harmony and tolerance. As for Khairy, what have you done for Umno besides burning flags and opening stinking mouth?

I pity this Khairy. But I pity the Umno Youth leadership more. Khairy and the Umno Youth leadership are really a pitiful and sad lot and they do need our sympathy and understanding.

Of course we all know that they are totally useless human beings who have been thrust onto the leadership role to drag and pull a whole lot more of totally useless and good for nothing human beings.

Bereft of any ideas of how they can improve their lot, they see their common cause only when they can see enemies or perceived enemies. In last years Umno Youth assembly, we had their leader Hisham wielding his keris. They all cheered seemingly knowing and understanding who their common enemy was.

Don't Umno Youth leaders have any agenda that can stand on its own without it having to depend on the existence of bogeymen and demons supplied by perceived enemies? Or is this testimony that the malays would rather sit on their backsides and not move until and unless they see an enemy trespassing their territory?

Weak Umno bad for Umno-malays. Less chance to become super rich in super short time.

Umno-malays will instill more third class mentality such as Ketuanan Melayu among malays. Fooled malays will make Umno-malays super rich. What is left for the fooled malays is third class mentality.

All these suckers want is to get rich until the end of the world and they will do anything to get what they want. They don't care about anything anymore. It is sad to see the human race reduced to such garbage and best of all, it is been honed to a fine art in Malaysia. No wonder some people just emigrate away.

Ever wonder why, Umno leaders chanting Ketuanan Melayu, non-malays are threatening their rights! MCA, MIC and the rest chanting to their community, we will fight for our rights. If they are all fighting each other, why is there a BN?

In actual fact, all of them at the top are good friends. At the bottom, they are stroking up distrust and fear among the communities - at the top, grand discussions and plans are going on how to enrich each other and what is each other's share.

When the common fools found something fishy, they will just stroke the racial storm and everyone will forget the fishy smell. In the end, semuanya ok. Business as usual.

Weak Umno bad for BN? As I always said, life is getting miserable by the days for the kampung people. Everywhere the average people are quietly suffering. What good is it to them a strong BN?

We don't need a strong BN. We need a caring government, no matter who they are.

Anonymous said...

(1) Some malays will say:

· Without Mahathir, who is going to fight for us?

· Without Mahathir, where can Malaysia go?

· Without Mahathir, we will all die!

(2) Independence malays will say:

· I don't need Mahathir to make a living.

· I don't need Mahathir to fight for my respect and dignity.

· I don't need Mahathir so that I can gain recognition on my own two feet.

But sadly to say, most Umno malays fall into category (1). The malays mindset, when are they going to change!

Umno malays mentality:

They want money but they don't want to work for it. They want investment but at the same time, they are afraid of being taken advantage by foreigners. The real fact is, nobody is taking advantage of them.

The fact is, Umno malay leader has spoil their own malays.

The fact is, Umno malay leader has never think about the malays.

The fact is, Umno malay leader in the name of "fighting for the rights of malays" has abuse their power to enrich themselves.

The fact is, Umno government has destroy their own reputation by being unfair to their own citizens include their own malays.

The fact is, Umno government has display no respect for international rules, no fair play, don't play by international rules, being a recalcitrant like Mahathir, and hence no respect from anybody on earth.

The fact is, Umno government is corrupted to the core and always wants something in return by just giving speech and signing a few documents.

The fact is, Umno government does not get much recognition from other nations except for third world countries like Zimbabwe, Somalia and Cuba.

The fact is, Umno government can never provide high skills job to the malays. MNC company can provide high skills job to the malays.

The fact is, there is no substantiate fact to justify that Umno malay leader has improve the education levels of their own malays.

The fact is, so many malays can't get high skills job is because Umno malay leader has fail to emphasize education as much as Chinese parents onto their children.

The fact is, Proton is failing. The fact is, MAS is failing. The fact is, Malaysia is failing.

The fact is, malay land will never be develop, unless Malaysian Chinese, Singaporeans or MNC company invest and create value out of it.

The fact is, Mahathir has brainwash malays into believing that Umno will be their free welfare system, insurance system, and also provides money and food for all malays as long as they can.

Anonymous said...

As long as Malaysia it is a Muslim country, it won't go any further - Muslim malays, worst! They are just as stubborn as the donkeys - narrow minded!

I wasn't a racist person, but after I tried so many times wasting my time typing all sorts of articles regarding the multiracial society and the special rights, all I got is just a pile of negative comments and letters - and calling me a racist person and asking me to go out from the country if I don't like Malaysia.

Think of it - if we don't like Malaysia - why should I spent hours writing the articles and they were all written in malay so they will understand it better, and my English isn't good either.

Well they said go away if you don't like this place and I did. I live in Australia now, and I have a handsome pay as well, and I am a visual artist, and I survive beautifully. Thank God.

Like I said again, it is the mentality of disgruntle as a result of strong sense of "Bumis" and "Tanah Melayu". Just imagine the tax that you pay for the government was channel to systematically help out the malays (i.e. contract, education, housing, social plan, etc) and buyout the non-malay assets.

It is entirely and practically putting the gold on a big plate and knee down and two hands submit to you. The policy has created huge wealth to malays and has controlled more than 50% of economy equity (if taking into the figure of government-linked company).

Unfortunately, the noise of crying for protection still so strong - I guess greed and lazy become habit of you. Eh, you don't feel a bit of shame?

Hey, you malay pathetic and all the malays who has the same feeling/thinking like them. You guys don't feel shame being spoon feed by government using the taxpayers money?

I guess all the protection policy make you all even more lazy and narrow minded and stupid. The majority of you folks once step out of the Malaysia soil will sure starve to death.

Let us put it this way, when other races (non-malays) good, disgruntle and jealousy feeling will start boiling in your head, and if there is a little accomplishment achieved in your community……….showing-off start to creep in on your appearance, yet still disgruntled and crying for protection. How pathetic is that man!

Hoy, I think you guys should try some pig meat once a while to make you more intelligent a bit. Look at around the world region, anti-pork meat countries are mostly rippled with starving and war or worst, non-stop crying for government policy protection.

Fact is fact when you are stupid is always stupid - although it can be help by consistent protection and nourishment policy but the end result will not go far because the quality of gene is there.

Yes, there will be smart malays produced as a result of the several decades of policy but the number of these elite malays can be counted in finger.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I read some comments with interest and can identify with the frustrations of the "other" Malaysians. They too have been marginalized because they are not under the patronage of Umno.

Yes, if our country does not reward and recognise talent, then our talented people, to put it bluntly, will go elsewhere where the reward system benefits them. Intellectual capital is as mobile as financial capital in our globalised world. It works on a universal incentive system. The best will go to places where their talents and skills can command a premium.

They will go to places where they can interact and engage with their peers, and have access to the best facilities for research and lifelong learning. So the environment must be conducive for the brightest and the best to operate.

The predicament we in Malaysia face today is not difficult to resolve if our leaders, Umno leaders in particular, have to the political will to change things around. The addiction to NEP and its subsequent variants under whatever label is serious and can only be removed over the long term.

This is a political price which current leaders are not prepared to bear. I often wondered what the MIC, MCA, Gerakan, and others in BN are doing about.

There is a lot of resistance to change this system since any change will mean loss to some vested interest groups. It is more convenient to continue to buy malay "loyalty" with a perverse incentive system than to overhaul a system that has after more than 3 decades obviously weakened the malays.

I say that because I know our leaders know what caused this underperformance in the malay community. It has to do with the over-protection of the NEP and the way we Malaysian Muslims practise our religion which is increasingly isolationist and exclusivist.

So if Malaysia does not reward and recognise talent, we will have a situation where mediocrity breeds mediocrity in a vicious circle, and eventually our country will slide into being a 4th, not 3rd world country, worse than some of the African states today.

I am not sure whether I am getting wiser and wiser. I think I am humbler by the day. Seen this, done that, and been there. I find no easy answers to our dilemmas and problems. But we must keep trying.

A Voice said...

Saudara Zaharin

Anda lebih matang dan berpengalaman dalam sepak terajang dunia politik dan kewartawanan dari diri dan tentu saya tidak punya asas untuk menasihat saudara.

Saya harap pemecatan saudara tidak akan melemahkan semangat saudara untuk terus berkhidmat dan berjuang kerana apa yang kita buat adalah kerja untuk Allah Taala.

Termaktub dalam Perlembagaan UMNO adalah hak untuk menegur dan bersuara. Pemecatan saudara ini tidak lain dan tidak bukan hanyalah pemikiran mediocre yang di sebut Big Guy Dot Com sebagai Celebritum de Mediocratis (atau mereka yang khayal dan syok sendiri dengan sikap cukup makan mereka).

Orang sedemikian adalah sentiasa insecure dan susah untuk mengendalikan teguran. Lihat sahaja berapa banyak fumble setiap kali pucuk kepimpinan membuka mulut untuk interview dan press conference.

Dalam usaha Tun untuk bercakap pada ahli-ahli, Tun di spray, di sabotaj dengan acara selari, di kacau rancangan acara2, di tahan pelajar Universiti bertemu, dan lain-lain.

Ini adalah sikap orang yang bersalah.

Pemecatan saudara hanya meyakinkan kami semua bahawa kepimpinan ini adalah lebih zalim, dan tidak bermoral berbanding allegation yang pernah dihalakan terhadap Tun.

Mungkin anda kini menghayati betul sajak Tun "Perjuangan Belum Selesai".

Anonymous said...

sedih mendengar keputusan MT hari ini.Bertambah sedih tatkala membaca biodata saudara sepanjang 37 thn di dalam UMNO.Apalah sangat dibandingkan dgn jasa 'si menantu'[6 thn dalam UMNO (itupun kalau ada jasa!)].Terbukti sudah UMNO sekarang telah menjadi 'Sendirian Berhad' kpd makhluk ALLAH yang bernama Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Anonymous said...

dulu aku sungguh benci tol dgn dr M... kiranya meluat gila. TAPI bila tengok Tun berjuang semula utk bangsa melayu baru aku tersedar selama nih aku salah. Tun memang seorang pejuang bangsa yang tidak ada tolok bandingnya.

Sekarang baru aku percaya cakap2 org bahawa pak lah nih memang kuat tidur, jika tidak masakan semua rancangan2 dan cakap2nya semua umpama 'mimpi'... tak ada kenyataan pun.

pak lah kata nak telus dan bebas rasuah tup2 cakap dia tuh masa pilihanraya aje dan mangsanya lak orang2 yang tak menyokong dia.

pak lah kata anak dia takde projek kerajaan tapi tup2 berlambak anak dia dapat.

pak lah kata projek utk rakyat tup2 hanya orang2 suruhannya aje yang dapat. Orang 'biasa' masih ternganga cari rezki.

pak lah kata menantu dia tak masuk campur urusan negara tup2 habis semua syarikat malaysia kena sapu dgn singapura

pak lah kata kita kena utamakan pertanian tup2 ekonomi terus merundum. Mungkin kita yang dok kat bandar nih kena balik kampung pakat2 tanam sayur dan bela ayam (harga ayam naik mencanak musim raya melayu!)

dan lain lain lain lain lain.... lagik

baru sekarang aku nampak siapa tuh 'pahlawan' dan siapa 'pengkhianat' bangsa.

semoga Allah beri pertolongan dan selamatkan bangsa melayu 'islam'. Setiap pemimpin adalah bertanggungjawab terhadap KESELURUHAN rakyatnya.

sekian untuk renungan kita semua.

Anonymous said...

Salam Sang Kelembai...

AAB telah membuat satu kesilapan yg maha besar dgn memecat anda dari UMNO...AAB sebenarnya amat takutkan anda...dan anda seharusnya tidak perlu takut dgn sesiapa saja kerna apa yg anda tuliskan adalah berdasarkan situasi semasa sekarang...

Jasa anda kepada UMNO amat2 besar serta tak ternilai...jika dibandingkan dgn jasa org2 yg telah membakar Jambatan Umno pada 1987...dan sekarang nie org2 itu yg mentadbir negara...yg semakin lama semakin hanyut dan dilupai...

Jangan anda berhenti menulis dan bongkarkan kebenaran tentang kebodohan serta munafik nya AAB...rakyat jelata mahu mengetahuinya...

Dan jangan anda berpaling kepada pentas pembangkang...kerna itu akan membuatkan anda sendiri akan lebih hanyut...

Akhir sekali...saya doakan Sang Kelembai dibawah naungan Allah selalu...jihad mesti dijalankan...menghancurkan kemunafikan...

Anonymous said...
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Zaharin Mohd Yasin said...

Terima Kasih Semua

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Anonymous said...

Apa yang TDM termasuk anda sendiri nak heboh-heboh fasal 'bagi wang' masa pemilihan perwakilan bagi Bahagian Kubang Pasu?. Budaya ini bukan baru dalam UMNO bahkah telah ujud semenjak TDM jadi Presiden UMNO dan PM. Bukan TDM tak tahu!. Bukan anda tak tahu!.

Sekarang ini kalau nak hapuskan budaya 'bagi wang' bukan pekara mudah atau senang oleh kerana terlalu ramai ahli-ahli UMNO yang expect to get 'something' including money pada tiap-tiap kali pemilihan diadakan samada diperingkat cawangan, bahagian ataupun pusat.

Sang Kelembai, masa pemilihan Setiausaha Bahagian BTR dulu, anda 'bagi wang' tak?.

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